Project Scope

In 2012 Perilya approached MCA to tender on the design supply of a working stage equipped with two deck drilling capability for the purpose of supporting the aging shaft due to ground movement causing guide problems.

The success of the tender brought a fresh design of a triple deck stage complete with two drills capable of drilling SDA to a depth of 12 metres powered by a purpose designed and built Hydraulic Power Pack.

This was not just a supply contract. It required MCA to provide ongoing operations 7 on 7 off with a team. This project has now run for over 5 years and has developed into engineering support to Perilya.

Work With Us

MCA offer a wide range of services including concept design studies, detailed design, fabrication and construction. For more information, please contact us to discuss how we can assist you with your next project.


Year: 2012 – current

Client, Project, Location:
Perilya, Shaft Refurbishment, Broken Hill NSW

Contact Type: Schedule of Rates

Role: Head

Contract Value: $1.5 million PA

Our services
